What’s your Success? 🤔🤔

Gauransh Kumar
4 min readJun 13, 2021


What’s your success?

Success is one of the vaguest topics I have ever come across so after lots of procrastination and delays, I just wanted to share how I think about success😬

Priorities and Success 📈

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Everyone has their own priorities at a certain point in time which is definite to change. But don't you think priorities affect our success as well 🤷

Ok, let's take a real example. Imagine, You are a very brilliant student (which I know you are 😉) good at studies and play lots of sports and basically, you are a successful student, so currently your priorities are study, parents, friends, sports, and whatnot. But one day, you met a girl and fall in love with her, and all of a sudden your only motive in life is to make her happy, you can do anything to make her happy, and getting those beautiful moments is your utmost priority. If you get what you want ❤️ you are really happy and you feel successful, isn’t it?

Money, Respect and Success 💰

Now, please don't quote me here but currently, MONEY = RESPECT = SUCCESS isn't it?

There is nothing wrong with money, everyone wants it, be it Me, you, or anyone on the planet, and that’s a very real and important aspect to live a healthy life.

So I have a story for you once again 😅, Imagine you are a multimillionaire and have enough money to buy anything you can dream of, your photos and interviews are printed as headlines so overall you are a Successful Person right? But, imagine having so much respect, power & money, you don't have a good family, you don't have anyone to share what you have gained, you don't have anyone to share what you feel, then are you really successful?

I know this is a very subjective topic and I am not saying that don't earn money, earn as much money as you can, be the most respectful person but always remember

Whenever you cry you must have a hand to wipe the tears.

Dream and Success ☁️

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

I personally believe that the start of Success is Dream.

We dream all the time for the next day to next month to next year and till our life, we always dream, this is the main motivation for us to do something, say if you have to go to a tour tomorrow you dream your whole day, similarly, we dream our whole life, isn't it?

Dreaming is always great but never forget the golden lines by the best leader I ever know, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

The dream is not something that you see while sleeping, Its something that doesn't let you sleep.

Passion and Success 😍

Photo by Cullan Smith on Unsplash

Passion is the most important thing for you to be the best at something and eventually, Successful.

But What is Passion?

Many, of us, think it’s inner talent and that's true to some extent but just for a while think of it as an illusion of your brain which forces you to push your limits to get what you want (success)!

Hmmm, that might be tricky 🤔, Okay so, let’s have a story believe me it would be the last one 😅.

This time it is my own story so no more imagination 🐒. When I was in school I never stood up in the class and read a chapter aloud, you know that fear of laugh by your friends, right! One, day I was called by my Science teacher and got an opportunity to take part in a District Level Presentation competition I was not ready for that but don't know why my name was already sent (maybe Destiny 🤷) and all I can do is to take part, after lots of practice I have given the presentation to the jury, and I was fully confident that I must not have made it but the next day I went to school and I got to know that I came First 😳. A lot of people appreciated me and then I thought that maybe public speaking is something I can do and today it is my passion to be on stage and speak in front of thousands of people.

So, don't you think that Passion is nothing but an illusion that's being created by getting some appreciation and matching your dream?

Personally, I couldn't decide that what is Success but with all those thoughts in mind, I keep it open to you all that what actually is Success ? 🤔💭

Really love to know your story and thoughts in the comments. 😄

Thanks for Reading! ❤️



Gauransh Kumar

Mitacs GRI’22 @ University dé Montreal | Ex — Technical Staff Intern @ AIcrowd | CKAD | 2x LiFT Scholarship’20, 22 | Ex — Intern at DRDO’20